About Emerald Green Solar

Howard County talked, and we listened.

Emerald Green Solar is a 200 MW solar farm expected to generate enough energy to power up to 33,000 homes per year. Situated in Howard County, Indiana, adjacent to existing transmission lines on rural private land, the location is highly suitable for a solar energy project.

Emerald Green Solar would provide long-term benefits to the Howard County Community and surrounding areas, such as long-term local and state tax revenue for schools, government services, and public infrastructures like road improvements, as well as good-paying jobs, cleaner more fertile soil, and water, and guaranteed cash flow and stability for the hard-working farmers of Howard County.

So much has changed in the past six months and it starts with your Howard County Commission listening to citizens' concerns and doing its best to protect the broader community by inserting a new solar “ordinance” into the Planning and Zoning laws.

We took a look at the new stipulations, did some additional listening and learning in the community ourselves, and decided we could do even more than simply comply with the new minimum standards — protecting not only the property rights of our participating landowners but also ensuring we’re acting as good neighbors.  

So we went a greater distance; for instance on setbacks, we are ensuring a 300-foot setback from property lines to solar panels.   

We recognize that our participating landowners will be enjoying lease payments for farming the sun and offering additional agricultural benefits —and that those payments are several times more than what they could possibly get for renting out their crop-land or even farming it on their own — so we want to ensure that their neighbors have a chance to participate, aside from the fact that we’ll be improving their water table, nourishing the soil and bringing pollinators to help with their own crop production.  

We couldn’t agree more with the Howard County Commission’s listening and learning and striving to protect the many rights of the broader community.  

We’re excited to partner with them in protecting Howard County’s rights to cleaner air, water, and soil. Protecting everyone’s rights to the responsible use of agricultural lands and protecting our landowner's rights to economic stability and keeping their farms for generations to come.  

Protecting the rights of those who will earn family-supporting wages while building the solar installations and those young families who will be moving into Howard County working at the solar farm.  And protecting the rights of our schools, fire protection, public safety, and other vital services that will also receive additional funds from the revenues generated from farming the sun.  Those services not only provide the backbone for a strong Howard County — they help ensure healthy property values.